... | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- A 20.000 Ans dans le Futur (With one Stone)
- A Armes �gales (The Equalizer)
- A bient�t Fr�d�ric
- A bon Entendeur... (A Message from Marsha - 1972)
- A Bout de bras
- A Bout de Course (Praying the dead Relatives - 1986)
- A Bout portant (Night Watch)
- A Cause de Tout (Because of Everything)
- A chacun sa Manie (Everybody should have a Hobby)
- A chacun sa M�thode (Different Drummers - 1988)
- A chacun sa nuit
- A chacun sa Sp�cialit� (Murder is a Speciality)
- A chacun sa V�rit�
- A chacun son Combat
- A chacun son Hobby (Man with a Hobby - 1957)
- A chacun son Style (Method of Operation - 1969)
- A chacun son Trou
- A Chantal, Jean-Fran�ois et � Chantal
- A chaque Aube, je meurs
- A chaque Jour suffit sa Peine (Another Day, another Dollar - 1998)
- A Cheval sur les Principes (Murder off, Blackstone Street - 1991)
- A Chinois, Chinois et demi (Fat Joy and the Watchmaker - 1975)
- A Coeur ouvert (Open Heart)
- A C�t� de la Loi (Nine Points of the Law - 1899)
- A Coups de Crosse (False Start)
- A court de Chiens (Running out of Dogs - 1999)
- A court de Chiens (Running out of Dogs - 1999)
- A court de Chiens en Observation
- A Couteau tir� (The Man at the Table)
- A craqu�