Histoires terrifiantes
Stories that scared even me
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Traducteur : MARTIN, Bruno / ENDR�BE, Maurice-Bernard / MARTINACHE, Jacques / DUDON, Nathalie / ROSENBLUM, Arlette / KELLERSON, Philippe
Notes : 16 Nouvelles
- T�te-de-Poisson (Fishhead) - 1973
- Camera obscura (Camera obscura) - 1965
- Un D�c�s dans la Famille (A Death in the Family) - 1961
- Sans Bruit (Not with a Bang) - 1949
- Jeux d'Enfants (Party Games) - 1965
- Safari Pi�tons (X marks the Pedwalk) - 1963
- La curieuse Aventure de M. Bond (Curious Adventure of Mr. Bond)
- La Cage (The Cage) - 1959
- Ca (It) - 1951
- La Route vers Mictlantecutli (The Road to Mictlantecutli) - 1965
- Visite guid�e (Guide to Doom) - 1963
- Une Ville coriace (Tough Town) - 1957
- Un Soir � la Maison black (Evening at the Black House) - 1964
- D'entre les Morts (One of the Dead) - 1966
- Le grand Veneur (Master of the Hounds) - 1966
- Le Candidat (The Candidate) - 1961
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